Thursday, July 12, 2007

Anna Fulford and I Occasionally write Occasional Poems

Parachute for Scooter On Commuting
-dedicated to Supryia Ray

I whatever
in the red sea summit
made your heart parachute parachute
Made your heart crib, the pirate and heart,
I was the heart which is old, and you still to maintain.
You in the family courtyard.
In the family noose, the institute.
Weather-vane was in the Green

No matter who noose
who seamount, Peru's machine.
I felt cheerful. I had the scope
The cover (basket)gives up (swing).
You are that good child,
you are drawn on the rack.
Your rib of blessing and,
,and the law Bestia

I Rose. just epidemion.
I crib. Goes pirate.
Was Rose in the Commuting yard.
I have the field but not the contracts. contracts.
Any argument (makes) garment (Clinton).
Reaches high tide. Further dirty mark.
The cover (basket) stops (swing).
step of dirt

On the occasion of a Six-Foot Tall Man
in the Baptismal Font

who was tall in the beginning
and was tall when he managed
his Belly Flop Safe Word was God
and he was not a parrot-teacher
as all words were made by him and on him head
shorn no horns but shone out of darkness
a light foot despite a lanky height
and the mid day light partly understood
and arranged for a squelching sound
in his shoes as he circled round the sacristy,
as he buttered his wit for the slow simmer
of prayer words what not to make the crowd chitter
after such a scene in the baptismal font,
the scene that was seen, which was
merely a dumb-show, no argument of folly.


Anna said...

Where did you find this plush dude? He's AweSome!

Bonnie Jean Michalski said...

Their biblical puppets just can't be beat. Check out the beaver. He is pretty rad.

Bonnie Jean Michalski said...

Anna, the more I read your new occasional poem the more I love it. It's really f'n good.