Thursday, May 31, 2007

Anagram Prompt, as Promised

Go to a news website (, etc.) and copy and paste four headlines into a word doc.

Cadet's wild dance creates YouTube sensation
Loch Ness videographer 'couldn't believe my eyes'
Zoo: Rare rhino death leaves only 13 worldwide
Rowling announces Potter Park

Grab 5-10 words you like enough to leave intact:


delete those words from your original list. Leave all the rest:

's dance creates YouTube sensation
Loch Ness 'couldn't believe my eyes'
: rhino death only 13 wide
announces Potter

Use this mush to create another list of 5-10 words, anagram style. Just scan the word mush and see if your eyes pick out words automatically. (delete the letters you use from the mush as you go):


's dance cees sensa
Loch Ness 'coudn' ei my '
: o d only 13 wide

With the remaining mush, fabricate two or three words. Work those phascinating phonemes!


Now you have a word list! Create a poem using as many of those words as you can, plus one of the original headlines, only slightly altered if at all.

Such rare and chonless masses
to sort the desnal rations.
On the level: this zoo your relative
videographer sizes up is for the bees.
A wreath of bees can outwild
the moudo tunes you only hint ‘round
come Yuletide. Rumors a cadet hired
just to tub you. And you, wordier
than the Rowling Journals. You afraid
to admit to a smitten rhino,
its death that leaves only 13 worldwide.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Anna Fulford and I Perform an Emotional Investigation of Hybridization

Because you would not check me, check
And mate, I have taken it upon my self, my
Self and mate. At cross purposes, at a
Simple cross roads somewhere
Etherly between a hare lip lean
Teaser and a mean son of a

Because you would not make me
Untrumpeted, unseen, I am no longer your
No longer lounging in the doorway
No longer found upon your parquet
Yours, Basset Bunny


There is an untrained way of assuming same genus.
Tractus: dragging, drawing, pulling. Traits protrude.
Tug these. There is a dare in it and I must be brave
to suggest it. If I am usually two feet off the ground,
today I can feel the raspy bits of upper-sky.
I am characteristically indifferent to mingling. But this
is different. Confront me with a mule. Pit me against a liger.
I’ll swallow them all, master their marks, make it cute.

Anna Fulford and I Pose the Question: What is a Pookey & Can We Poem It?

If it were not not a mistake
lately it undulates outward
and even the cat senses its

anguish. Underneath its ultra-
gloss its mossy innards simply
be, simply do. If its lips were

any the more brazen. It gazes
unto itself a whole new limb-set.
If an aerial view did it more

savory, it shook to have it
meted out. Oh and it understood
every single sentence, sentenced

itself foremost. Sees it swatting
back the ambiance, tries
to control it as it webs which

way but down. Step away
from it, from recording it propped,
mammalled so. It has seen

the whole world, like a papier-
mache muscle, split side-
ways and tongued out.

Dearest Trull, My Harlot Head

Like anemone, fake star face
limned in bioluminesce
For whom I carried all this awe
an ocean salad more
I'd like to whack you, jug-jug
My dirty jinx, my bippy weed
so waverly the ocean floor.
The gin, the booze, the night
night !pow! Medusa muse-ic
leash, or un, cop-on
your head sank nomina
well-wet for a blessed second
Hardly feasible, a daffodil on its
home line, down drawn
vice drawn like a yak to butter

Never Again,
Your Erstwhile Lover

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Anna Fulford and I Write in Praise of Flam Chen Stilt-Walking Damsels

A tree-lined

stultifying mid-less

I took her by the hand

Was looking up, up and then

cloud drift sent us out beyond

just pushed everything sideways

and the building was no longer holding

I thought it would be hard to shake so many

stories, hard to eat with hoofs instead of hands.

To Whom of the Gemstone Brigands:

While you hoof your way, triangulating your faith,
I will enclose the Trifocal Motto for you to think on.
It’s the mono-chromatics that get me, and I can see
you feel almost the same. And it’s a wonder
you don’t take advantage of flexible displays.
I don’t mean to insist so, but a tagline
could be just what you need. Imagine:
all the people on the interstate and your one
exquisitely jewel-toned flashing bulb
making them shiver at the mere intimation of botany.