Monday, July 2, 2007

Who to Distract a Nation

The message, in the summer of that year, in the season of war

and an illicit birds-nesting expedition tall white Letters

only a few recognized among them a Professor, a Lord,

four young men from a nearby town and a lass known only as becoming

one of them clambered into sometimes wrongly called

a nasty shock, graffiti on the plinth, all ran for their lives

on the premise that it might have been a witch complete

but for a name, as was writ on the obelisk, Popular Interest

was an intensified token to whomever it readily asked Who

sold the information chalked all over the region Who

acted as a conduit
appearing at local Who was sister to Who had become

marginally involved have resurrected their file,

a spokesman said, angling toward an organized Think Tank

pores over all what kinds of incurred bafflement

followed up without many offers, without whereabouts of help


coconose said...

This is Megatron. I'm going to rip this blog's optics out with my bare hands. I would have waited an eternity for this. It's over Prime.

Bonnie Jean Michalski said...

Holy Hasbro, I'm so glad you read me. I'd even pool your boobings. I can tell you are ready for the real steel.